About Us

Jumpshot Singapore is a prominent basketball media platform, event organiser, and also a team of women’s basketball that has been actively involved in the basketball scene for over 12 years. As a basketball media platform, Jumpshot Singapore serves as a go-to source for basketball enthusiasts.

Jumpshot Singapore holds the distinction of being the first organisation to form a local 3×3 basketball team in Singapore. Recognising the growing popularity of 3×3 basketball both locally and internationally, Jumpshot Singapore took the initiative to assemble a team dedicated to this exciting format of the game.

By forming the local 3×3 team, Jumpshot Singapore aimed to provide a platform for talented basketball players in Singapore to showcase their skills in this rapidly evolving format. The team actively participates in various 3×3 tournaments, leagues, and exhibitions, both within Singapore and abroad, competing against other teams and representing the nation on the global stage.

Jumpshot Singapore’s local 3×3 team not only contributes to the growth and development of 3×3 basketball in Singapore but also helps raise awareness and recognition of the sport within the country’s basketball community. The team serves as a source of inspiration for aspiring players, encouraging them to embrace the exciting opportunities offered by 3×3 basketball and pushing the boundaries of their skills and athleticism.

By being the first to form a local 3×3 team in Singapore, Jumpshot Singapore has played a pivotal role in establishing and popularising this format of the game, contributing to the overall growth and success of basketball in the country.